Norton Street Italian Festa Needs Nonnas!

Events, Latest News

Join us for ‘Grandparents Day’ – for ‘Nonna in Cucina’

Calling all nonnas!  Following the success last year of the ‘Nonna in Cucina’ cooking demonstration, the Norton Street Italian Festa will again include this event as a celebration of Nonnas. – and to give Festa visitors a taste of real traditional Italian food.

The Italian Village will be alive with activities in Leichhardt on Sunday, 28 October. Italian Nonnas are invited to join in the festivities and cook their favourite Italian dish.

Maybe you know a nonna who enjoys cooking centuries old Italian dishes from their region in Italy  – or  – if your nonna makes traditional Italian food that is ‘to die for’, encourage her (or him) to join in ‘Nonna in Cucina’ Italian Festa – and be recognised!.

‘Nonna in Cucina’ will be presented in a special on-stage kitchen where each nonna will show the audience how to cook her (or his) favourite traditional Italian dish – all facilities and ingredients will be provided by the Festa organisers.

It’s a great Festa occasion – the nonna cooks and chats about the dish being made with the compere – then shares a taste with the ‘family’ of Festa goers ‘in the kitchen/cucina’.

So encourage your ‘unsung hero’ – as NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell described grandparents last year when launching the first Grandparent’s Day – to be recognised with this special day in their honour.

To join in ‘Nonna in Cucina’ and share a favourite recipe with Festa goers, send an email including name and telephone number to

The Norton Street Italian Festa is part of Crave Sydney International Food Festival.